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Eva Balážová - semináre pre stredné školy, Zvolen

5. 4. od 10:00 do 12:30 hod.

5. 4. 2019 od 10:00 do 12:30, Centrum voľného času Domino, Bela IV. 1567/6, Zvolen

Lektor: PaedDr. Eva Balážová

balazova tn

Eva Balážová je kvalifikovaná učiteľka anglického a slovenského jazyka s dlhoročnou praxou. Popri práci učiteľky sa už od štúdia na univerzite venuje teacher trainingu. Je certifikovaným OTA trénerom, pripravovala metodické semináre pre Macmillan Education, FLP a iné inštitúcie. V súčasnosti vedie svoju vlastnú súkromnú jazykovú školu Lingua Credo vo Zvolene, kde sa venuje najmä študentom stredných a základných škôl a príprave na skúšky.


How to help teens with their speaking - for exams and beyond

Speaking, like any other life skill, needs time and practice to develop. However, as well know it, practice does not always make perfect. Our teenage students may be quite willing to speak, but they will not always be precise and accurate enough to do well in an exam. As current research shows, in order to develop and refine a skill, it is not enough to repeat the same tasks over and over again mindlessly (as is often the case with oral exam tasks). When engaged in a speaking task, students need our feedback, but they also need to be able to monitor themselves and reflect on what they are doing. As always, the question is how. That’s just what I intend to deal with in this session. I’ll argue that we need a clear, well-structured, step-by-step approach, which cares both about micro- and macro-speaking skills, and which develops accuracy and fluency at the same time.

They can use what they can remember ...

The title of the session shows its central hypotheses.
The students´ performance at speaking maturita exam as well as their score of use of English part of maturita test are considered to be a mirror picture of their grammar knowledge and vocabulary. How to facilitate their success? Today, as my experience shows, teachers cannot rely on students´ home study a lot.  Actually, we can only influence their learning during the lessons. Therefore a choice of classroom tasks becomes a key to success. I will introduce a set of activities for developing vocabulary and for practising grammar that are ready-to-use in your classes. They will demonstrate how we can challenge students´ memory and so lead them to better performace.

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